The archive

Posting on social media? Save hours with my curated content archive.

Never run out of post ideas!

Choose a topic, read, write, publish!

Take a peek at the system, book a call, and I'll give you one month's access to the database.

The story behind the archive

In the past two years, I posted on LinkedIn daily and sent a weekly newsletter with curated articles on innovation, management, leadership, and personal development.

Initially, I faced challenges managing the information I wanted to publish. To enhance my system and simplify my publishing process, I created a database to track everything interesting I find online.

So, how does it work?

Whenever I find something interesting, I add it to my database, categorizing it by article name, topic, author, and source link. I include an AI-generated summary.

Realizing the value, a fellow coach suggested it could benefit others. Now, as a side project, I'm offering access to my curated Notion database of 2500+ articles on innovation, personal development, and leadership. Join as a "founding member substack subscriber" for a sneak peek and early access. Interested? I can walk you through it and offer you a spot in the "early adopters" first group.